June 2003 - 12 Point Plan ![]() MEDIA
The Twelve Point Plan, created by the Fathering Forum, to strengthen and support Australian fathers, will be launched by Mr Mark Latham, Federal Labor MP. The Hon Larry Anthony, Minister for Children & Youth Affairs and Senator Paul Calvert, President of the Senate will also speak to the policy document. 10 am, Thurs 26th June, 2003 in Room 1R5, Parliament House, Canberra The Twelve Point Plan is the first major initiative for fatherhood at Parliament House, Canberra. It points the way forward for the restoration of fatherhood for Australia. On 10th February 2003, over 35 people, representing many organisations, gathered for the inaugural National Fathering Forum organised by the Fatherhood Foundation, at Parliament House, Canberra. Delegates came at their own cost with the common goal to strengthen and support Australian fathers and 'to turn the tide of fatherlessness' that exists in Australia. The forum delegates who presented papers are united by the common belief that fatherlessness and family breakdown are major social problems in Australian society. The Twelve Point Plan was agreed upon by a consensus of the delegates. (View this document at www.fathersonline.org after release) [See Downloads] This policy document is the first of many proposals to promote discussion and contribute to a coordinated national solution to turn the tide of fatherlessness. Research
indicates that boys from fatherless homes are five times more likely
to commit suicide, fourteen times more likely to commit rape, nine
times more likely to drop out of high school, ten times more likely
to abuse chemicals and twenty times more likely to end up in prison.
Fatherlessness is estimated to cost Australia in excess of thirteen
billion dollars per year. Warwick
Marsh & Richard Yiap Fatherhood Foundation Inspiring fathers Renewing families Fatherhood Foundation - Non profit Inc No: 9877518 ABN 635 630 20 918 PO Box 440, Wollongong NSW 2520 Tel: 02 4272 6677 Fax: 02 4272 9100 Email: info@fathersonline.org Website: www.fathersonline.org
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