Pro Hart Paintings Fundraiser
All proceeds to
Australian Heart Ministries

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Pro Hart is Australia's most famous living artist. he was born on a sheep station near Broken Hill in 1928. His first exhibition took place in Adelaide in 1962 and since then he has gone from strength to strength. His paintings now hang in the National Gallery, Canberara, various stage galleries through Australia, the White House, USA and in the Queen's private collection in Buckingham Palace. His paintings continue to increase in value year after year.

Pro Hart has been a friend of the Marsh Family for almost ten years. In 1996 The Marshes gave Pro Hart's hand painted New Testaments to inmates in Long bay Gaol to celebrate the release of their new album "Straight from the Heart". On a recent trip to Broken Hill, as part of an outback ministry tour, The Marshes interviewed Pro Hart for their upcoming documentary called "Australian Heart with The Marshes". This outreach documentary is part of The Marshes multi-media plan to bring the message of God's love to millions of people around the world. Pro Hart generously offered seven paintings to Australian Heart Ministries to help fund the outreach documentary and soundtrack.

We now offer these paintings at 10% less than the independent valuation price. All proceeds will got to Australian Heart ministries, a non-profit association, bringing the good news of God's love to people everywhere.

A separate Lawson valuation accompanies each painting.

Painting Name Artist Size (mm) Valuation Price Fundraiser Price Imange Availability
 Wild FLowers IV Pro Hart 150 x 190 $1,800 $1,620 enlarge AVAILABLE
 Wild Flowers III Pro Hart 185 x 180 $1,800 $1,620 SOLD
 Two Men by Floodgate Pro Hart 200 x 180 $2,000 $1,800 SOLD
 Swamp Birds Pro Hart 190 x 240 $2,000 $1,800 SOLD
 Wild Flowers II Pro Hart 250 x 330 $2,500 $2,250 enlarge AVAILABLE
 Wild Flowers I Pro Hart 250 x 330 $2,500 $2,250 SOLD
 Wild Flowers in a Red Vase Pro Hart 330 x 260 $3,500 $3,150 enlarge SOLD

Please make cheques payable to Australian Heart Ministries
PO Box 440 WOLLONGONG 2520 Ph: (02) 4272 9100
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