Character Parenting
What is Character Parenting? This is the continual process of guiding, affirming and encouraging your child in a strategic lifestyle of character development. Why character? Because character is who you are when no one is looking. It’s the REAL you. Character is the root of all human behaviour. What you see is a result of character within. Character is the inward motivation to do what is right, whatever the cost.
Sow a Thought, Reap an Action
Sow an Action, Reap a Habit
Sow a Habit, Reap a Character
Sow a Character, Reap a Destiny Eugene.P. Bertin
In the business world, people are dismissed for primarily character issues, not skill ones. Character is what makes a leader great. When leaders fall, its usually due to a character violation. People issues can usually be traced back to some sort of problems associated with character. Today, young people need good character much more than skills or competence.
Are you born with character? No, character is something that is developed as moment-by-moment responses to situations i
n life. Character is something that is continually moulded as one grows up in life. There is no limit to improving or developing your character.
How do you develop character in your child? Simply by requiring your child to display a specific character quality and praising them for it. With character, its important to understand it and have specific definitions.
For example, the definition of Attentiveness is “showing the worth of a person or task by giving my undivided concentration”
The action points for this are : I will …….
· Look at people when they speak to me
· Ask questions if I don’t understand
· Sit or stand up straight
· Not draw attention to myself
· Keep my eyes, ears, hands, feet and mouth from distractions
Attentiveness in the home includes :
· Showing support for each other by listening to ideas without immediately getting irritated or finding
fault with them
· Encouraging other family members by expressing an interest in their activities
· Setting aside time to listen with eyes and ears to a family member’s counsel and concerns
· Spending time alone with family members to listen to their interests and make them feel important
· Knowing what each family members enjoys so that extra touches can be added to birthday celebrations and other special occasions.
The Rewards of Attentiveness are :
Respect from others
this happens when others respect and value their opinion
Key to Knowledge
What are the steps required :
1. Teach the meaning of a character quality (there are 49) and the action points ie “I wills …..”
2. Require your child to display these character qualities. Do not use punishment but only encouragement.
3. Praise your child for each action above and remind them of the benefit of being attentive in that particular situation.
For more information, look at
Excerpts above taken from “Achieve True Success by Building a Character Family” book published by IACC (International Association of Character Cities)
More next time.
Richard Yiap is married to Yokai and they have one son. Fathering is a great passion of Richard's and his time is devoted to mentoring and assisting young people in personal development and growth.