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The Sunday Telegraph
4th February 1996

Sounds Like family values By Amanda Keenan An upbeat Partridge Family for the 90's the Marsh clan are proof that the family that plays together stays together.

The Mash Family, a multi-talented seven piece band, is a rarity in the music industry.

Warwick Marsh, is the frontman for the crowd-pleasing band, who have been playing together for five years.

Comprising his wife Alison and their children Nathaniel, 14, Jonathon, 13, Levi, 11, Israel, 8, and Melodies, 3, the band is a products of Warwick's love for music - and his family.

It sprang from his keenness for the five children to learn music, something of which he was deprived as a child.

"My dad was a violinist in an orchestra and he always told me he would teach me to play music, but never got around to it," he said. "So I learned it myself and then made sure I got the boys to learn music so if they wanted to use it, they could."

And use it they do.

The Marsh Family have recently released their debut CD - Straight From The Heart - and have just returned from a successful stint at the Tamworth Festival where they injected variety into a predominantly country line-up.

Warwick said the advantage of having a family band was the chance to play music with his children, giving them invaluable experience. The Marsh Family have toured Australia, performing in remote Aboriginal communities and even in jails.

Warwick recalls a Christmas-time jail performance that brought one tough prisoner to the verge of tears.

"He told me we had brought the real meaning of Christmas to him - I was really touched."

"The prisoners love to see children because they represent everything they haven't got"

Warwick describes their music as rock'n'roll with reggae, gospel and blues influences.

Each family member makes their own contribution to the Marsh sound, which is becoming more widely know thanks to radio airplay. Warwick plays guitar, writes and sings and also acts a producer. Alison plays keyboard and the start musician of the family, Nathaniel, plays drums.

Bass guitar player Jonathon has been playing for over four yeas as has saxophonist Levi. Israel has been learning guitar and wants to join the band full-time - at the moment he is the band's roadie. Melodie, the baby, plays plastic guitar and has already started singing.

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