Australian Heart Productions is the TV production house linked with Australian Heart Ministries. Australian Heart Productions has a passion to produce quality, highly entertaining TV programs to inform, educate and inspire. Our environment faces serious threat from pollution and degradation. Our TV entertainment environment suffers from much the same kind of problems with moral pollution running rampant. Sex and gratuitous violence fill our screens. There is a constant negative barrage against purity, marriage and positive family life. Australian Heart Productions want to see this change for the better and help reverse this trend in TV by providing a positive alternative. Australian Heart Productions is a non-profit organisation and needs community and business sponsorship to continue to produce life-changing TV. Any profit from TV programs is ploughed back into the organisation to raise production standards or goes to help people in need. Australian Heart Productions main goal is to produce high quality, entertaining, life changing TV.

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Over the last two years Australia Heart Productions has produced 20 TV programs. "Live at the Harbourside" was a live music, 8 part series produced at the old Harbourside Brasserie, in Sydney, featuring many talented gospel singers and bands. Next Australian Heart Productions produced two programmes called "Australian Heart with the Marshes", the first in a proposed series for worldwide viewing. Towards the end of 2000 Australian Heart Productions concepted and produced an 8 part, 5 minute programme series called, "Lifethoughts with Paul Bartlett". All these shows have been seen on Optus cable and some have been viewed on TV in other countries.

In early 2001 the Marshes toured Communist China and completed a two part series called, "China with the Marshes".

At the present moment the Marshes have been working on a pilot programme of "Australian Heart with the Marshes" for presentation to Australian free to air TV. We have consulted with Bill Leimbach, director of "Troy Dann's Outback Adventures", seen in over 150 countries around the world. We are receiving production advice and help from Doug Hawkins of Sydney TVU. We have installed our own TV edit suite at our offices in Wollongong. Apple Computers have become Gold Sponsors, giving us a G4 computer and specialised editing software. Currently we are also approaching other companies for help and are looking at ways to upgrade this production studio to a higher level of output. We also have access to TVU's Avid production studio in Sydney. Prime TV, Wollongong has also been supportive of our efforts. We thank all those who have helped and partnered with us to enable us to finish our TV programmes.

TV Shows Completed and in Production

Live at the Harbourside - live music show, 8 X 20-30 minute TV shows. Completed June 2000.
Australian Heart with the Marshes - 2 X 30 minute, travel, music, family shows. Completed December 2000.
Lifethoughts with Paul Bartlett - 8 X 5 minute TV shows. Issues of life, family & faith. Completed February 2001.
China with the Marshes - 2 X 25 minute TV shows. Travel, music, family with a close look at the church in China. Completed March 2001.
Australian Heart with the Marshes - new pilot for Australian free to air TV. Aiming for 13 X 30 minute episodes. Due for completion early 2002.
Heartfelt with Warwick Marsh - 13-week daily series, each show 5 minutes duration. A behind the scene's look at the Marshes travels. Deals with issues of life & faith / family & relationships, all in a loving and fun way. Production will commence in early 2002 and take 12 - 18 months to complete. 65 X 5 minute episodes.
Worship & Praise Live Music Show - currently still on the drawing board. In discussion with Rodger Rapsey of Face to Face music ministry.

Other shows are currently under consideration eg Australia Calling - an Australian interview show and plans are even now being made to set up a second editing computer to accommodate the extra workload.

For more information contact:
Australian Heart Productions
PO Box 440
Ph/Fax: 61-2-4272 9100


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