You can start by researching the church in China and beginning to pray for 'China's Christian Millions'. Prayer is always the beginning and the church in China has consistently asked for prayer from the Christian people of the world.

Another thing you can do is to go yourself to China and meet the Christians. You will never be the same again. Seeing is believing. You will begin to pray and support the cause of China's million of Christians like never before.

Of course you can also begin to invest financially in the Chinese church. There are many wonderful Christian organisations helping the people of China. We have listed only a few. Search them out for yourself. Of course any of these organisations are fully endorsed by Australian Heart Ministries and we would encourage you to support them in whatever way you can. Australian Heart Ministries is also looking for partnerships and those who want to invest in their work in China.

Click on partnerships if you want to become involved with Australian Heart Ministries in helping China.

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