Warwick Marsh conducts seminars for companies, conferences and churches on the vital importance of being a father.

Titled, Fatherhood, the seven Secrets for Success, the seminar deals with issues of sex, ove, commitment, faith, friendship, respect, authority and trust. The greatest need in Australia and most of the wetern world today is for more fathers - that is men who are not afraid of being a man. The need is great for fathers in the family, fathers in the business world and fathers in the political world.

Warwick, gaining the FOL 1998 Fatherhood of the Year Award, is the father of 5 wonderful children and one beautiful wife and is well placed to give information that will empower men to change history, beginning in their own homes. The world needs a new crop of history makers and world changers. Changing history begins by changing the home. The change begins with the fathers in the families of the nation.

For further information contact:
Fatherhood Seminars
Australian Heart Ministries
PO Box 440
Ph/Fax: 61-2-4272 9100
Email: fathers@ausheart.com.au

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