Ps Peter Morgan
Aboriginal minister with over 50 years ministry experience as an evangelist/pastor. Ps Morgan currently reside in Darwin
Contact phone: 61-8-8988 6013 Darwin, NT

Ps Joan Beard
Co-founder with her late husband, Ps Bill Beard, of the Lighthouse Christian Centre. Fifty years ministry experience.
Contact phone: 61-2-4229 9744 Wollongong, NSW

Rev Fred Nile
Member of NSW Parliament for 20 years and president and founder of the Christian Democratic Party. An ordained minister of the Uniting Church, Australia.
Contact phone: 61-2-9230 2132 Sydney, Australia

Ps Geoff Holland
Ministered extensively over the last 16 years in over 25 nations, raising up orphanages, bible training centre and teaching indigenous Christian leaders. He has a passion for preaching the Gospel and is an ordained minister with MFI.
Contact phone:61-3-5429 5673 Melbourne, VIC

Ps Murray Tomlinson
Ex-missionary with over 25 years ministry experience. Currently pastors AOG, Dalby, QLD. Board member of the Queensland Assemblies of God, State Executive.
Contact phone: 61-7-4669 6211 Dalby, QLD

Ian Taylor
Farmer and business man, long term supporter of Australian Heart Ministries. Elder and member of Grenfell AOG. Ph: 61-2-6347 5254

Lachlan Laing - Ex-officio to the Board
Currently principal of Lachlan Laing & Associates, a mangement and business consulting operation. Member and associate minister of CCC, Burwood. Ph: 61-2-9543 2024

Banking & Business Details

Accountant & Auditor
Laurie Green
Shedden & Green, PO Box 142 MIRANDA NSW 1490
28/19-21 Central Rd MIRANDA NSW 2228
Contact phone: 61-2-9540 1944 Fax: 61-2-9540 2201Sutherland, NSW

Australian Heart Ministries Incorporation Inc 9875235
Cheque Account: 032-695-180234
Westpac Bank
Crown Street Wollongong 2500 NSW AUSTRALIA
Contact phone: 61-2-4229 2544

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