Warwick & Alison Marsh |
Friends of China Australian Heart Ministries PO Box 440 WOLLONGONG NSW 2520 Ph/Fax: 61-2-4272 9100 Email: marshes@ausheart.com.au Website: www.ausheart.com.au/china |
Joseph Chi |
Hong Kong Ph: 852-2722 5018 Email: joechi@netvigator.com |
Daniel Choi |
Media Ministries 449 Ellerslie Panmure Highway MT WELLINGTON NZ Ph: 64-9-638 8213 Mobile: 64-216 16596 Email: choton55@hotmail.com |
Albert Poh |
Zion Christian Center PO Box 0840 Ang Mo Kio Central 91561 SINGAPORE Ph: 65-749 3863 Mobile: 65-9455 6272 Email: albert@openheaven.com |
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