Warwick & Alison Marsh & family started Australian Heart Ministries in 1990 as a ministry to touch Australia and reach the world. China, with a population of 1.3 billion people is a large part of the world. Warwick & Alison Marsh have many Chinese friends both in Australian and other parts of the world. The Marshes love for China opened the door for them to visit and minister in China in late 2000/01. The Chinese Church welcomed them with open arms. Even the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, the Honorable John Anderson, and other noted political leaders gave letters of introduction to China. During this tour Warwick met with leaders within the Chinese Church and also government officials.

Warwick & Alison Marsh and family want to help the Church in China. The Friends of China's main goal is to promote the needs of the Chinese Church through video and other media. Through the far sighted 'open door policy' of Deng Xiaoping, business interchange and technology in China has rapidly caught up with the modern world. China is well on it's way to becoming a major economic power. Unfortunately the official church has not received this infusion of spiritual interchange and help that the rest of China has received. The doors are now opening in a wonderful way for the Friends of China to provide leadership training, musical & worship seminars and provide practical resources for the church in China.

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