Australian Heart Ministries is deeply committed to promoting the cause of missions and raising financial support for missionaries. The ten largest churches in USA are all from different denominations. The one thing that they have in common is a passionate support for missionary work outside the USA. Warwick & Alison Marsh have travelled extensively across third world countries. The conclusion they have come to is that the average Australian is a multimillionaire compared to the poor of the world. We in Australia are over resourced while those in the third world are under resourced. If we are to call ourselves Christians, we must begin to make a serious attempt to help our brothers and sisters in Christ in other lands. Wherever Christ is preached the curse of poverty is broken, and the standard of living is raised. A careful analysis of human history will show that often the richest countries of the world have a strong Christian heritage.

Australian Heart Ministries support Australian missionaries and aid organisations such as World Vision, Compassion, Missions Link International, International Gospel Centre, Kingdom Ministries Sth Africa and many other missions organisations & orphanages working in Africa, India, Asia and other parts of the world.

In the coming years Australian Heart Ministries believes that support for missions will become a huge part of our total expenditure. Of course, part of our goal is also to train and raise up missionaries and Christian aid workers to be a blessing to the multitudes.

If you would like to help Australian Heart Ministries or register you interest:
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