Australian Heart Ministries is committed to revival with reformation. We need to build Godly values into our government bodies, our legislation, our legal system, our economic system, our education system, our media world and the creative arts. Australia's system of government is based on the Westminster system of Government and British common law, which are both based on the Bible. The heritage goes back to 1066 when King Alfred the Great made the Biblical law the law of England. Even to this day, the Queen takes oath to govern under Christ. The orb with the cross on top is symbolic of Christ as King of Kings and ultimately King of England. Through the Governor General, Christ is represented as head of Australia.
Australia's 1901 constitution says in the preamble " Humbly relying on the blessing of the Almighty God." Even the name of our nation reflects spiritual heritage. In 1606 Pedro Ferdinand de Quiros called this land "Terra Australis del Espiritu Santo" or literally, Southland of the Holy Spirit.
Sailing into the waters of the South Pacific and sighting land
(islands to the north east of Australia) de Quiros took possession in the name
of Jesus Christ. This is the proclamation,
"Let the heavens, the earth, the waters with all their creatures and all
Those here present witness that I Captain Pedro de Quiros
in the name
of Jesus Christ
hoist this emblem of the Holy Cross on which His (Jesus
Christ) person was crucified and whereon He gave His life for the ransom and
remedy of all the human race
on this day of Pentecost, 14th may 1606
I, take possession of all this part of the south, as far as the pole,
in the name of Jesus
which from now on shall be called the southern Land
of the Holy Ghost
and this always and forever
and to the end that
all natives, in all the said lands, the holy and sacred evangel may be preached
zealously and openly." (pp24-25, Col Stringer, Discovering Australia's
Christian heritage, Col Stringer Ministries Inc, PO Box 3554 Robina Town Center,
Qld 4230)
After this proclamation ships cannons roared, soldiers fired muskets and all cheered, "Long live the faith of Christ!" Of course long before this the Aboriginal people of Australia had dreamtime stories relating to the bible. The Aboriginal people had the story of a man and a woman in the Garden with a snake - Adam and Eve and the serpent. The story of a man in a boat with lots of animals in a flood - Noah and the great flood. The Aboriginal people, the original inhabitants of Australia have a far greater understanding of spiritual things than Europeans. Even Aboriginal law is based on Mosaic Law. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. They even have forgiveness through the shedding of blood, which is the foundation of faith in Jesus Christ. Aboriginal people in times past only worshipped one God. In Australia today Aboriginal people have a higher percentage of Christian belief than white Australians.
It is obvious that Australia has a great and comprehensive Christian heritage. Australian Heart Ministries is committed to preserving that Christian heritage and making a public stand against all forms of wickedness. The scripture says, "righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach". Our fundamental strategy is the promotion of prayer. In 1998 Australian Heart Ministries organised, with the Praise Corroboree, a National Day of Prayer and Fasting. This day of prayer was commended by both the Prime Minister John Howard and the then Governor General. Warwick Marsh organized a cross-cultural prayer team, led by Ps Peter Walker to meet with Prime Minister John Howard in 1996 and 1998. Most recently Australian Heart Ministries is organising a 12 member prayer delegation, representing Australian Christian leaders to meet with Prime Minister John Howard for prayer. Prayer is still the foundation for revival and national reformation.
Australian Heart Ministries is also actively involved in educational activities to make people aware of the Christian policy of various political parties. In November 2001, at the last Federal Election, Australian Heart Ministries, in co-operation with various other Christian ministries, circulated the Christian Values Checklist. This document was circulated widely via the internet throughout the Christian community. Australian Heart Ministries was able to raise support to have the checklist printed in the Australian Newspaper, as well as other news articles. We estimate that the Christian Values Checklist reached one million people. We thank God for getting the message out.
Australian Heart Ministries will continue to actively support Christians of all political parties and especially those parties that show a strong Christian political platform.
For some years we have had a dream to hold a gathering of God's Generals in Federal Parliament in Canberra. There are many wonderful Christian organisations, many of them working in isolation. Many others need greater resources. How wonderful it would be if everyone could work together. Australia would be impacted for Christ in a relatively short period of time through unity and love based Christian networking. Australia could become in word and deed the great "south land of the Holy spirit".
If you would like to be part of this exciting vision please
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